Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Mind your P's and J's

Last night's entertainment was taking the Myers Briggs Inventory. Gregory had to complete it as part of his Diaconate Formation program. I could have guessed the results without answering the questions, but it was fun anyway.

Some background on my husband. He has always wanted to be an astronaut, a football player, an architect, a pilot, a monk, and anything else we happen to see in a movie or documentary. This is the man who had to determine if he was decisive. He went back and forth for several minutes on that one. Not surprisingly, he scored right in the middle of all types. He is Everyman.

I, on the other hand, was clearly an INTJ. No wibbly-wobblies here. To interpret, I am an introverted, intuitive, thinking, judging individual, as opposed to an extroverted, sensing, feeling, perceiving person. I discovered that INTJs have had a huge impact on corporate culture, and are highly desirable leaders. Wow, if I were a feeling type, I would feel like an under-achiever.

As we drifted off to sleep last night, Gregory reflected on his results, or lack thereof. "I'm Google." he said. "I just want to get as much information about something as I can and then move on to the next topic." Pause. "I should have been a detective." Pause. "At least for a month."

1 comment:

ballast photography said...

I was neglectful in not commenting on this earlier. This is very funny--especially because I can see it playing out. In my WAY early 2005 blogger days--the days of the posts that, according to my niece, "weren't as interesting" I actually dre from this enormously rich subject matter as well.