Friday, June 15, 2007

Happy Mid-Year

Today is Mid-Way Day - the fulcrum of the year - the middle day of the middle month. It is a good day to ponder, perhaps to dust off those shelved New Year's Resolutions.

I find myself at this moment in the exact same position as I was on New Year's Eve: my "spot" on the couch. On this point I must dwell, because I have brought up something important here, and you may have missed it. On New Year's Eve, party night of the year, I was on my spot on the couch. Now, you might be thinking, "Oh, poor dear, she must have been ill." or "Was there a snow storm?" or even, "She must have been writing the last chapter on her new bestseller!" (If you framed that last thought, I must welcome you as a new reader, for regulars here know that I do not belong to any literary guilds.) No, it was not just an off year. I have a long tradition of very sad December 31sts.

So I'm on the same couch, but I am not the same. (This, too, is an important point, because I have nearly despaired at times that I am unable to change.) Six months can alter one's philosophies and ideals.

As I recall, one of my resolutions at the dawn of '07 was to reinvent myself as a relaxed person. To achieve this lofty goal, I decided to inflict multiple stressors on myself. The logic, if one deign call it such, was that I would have no choice but to be flexible in the midst of such chaos.

I now change my long held belief in "better to try and fail then never to have tried at all" to something far more moderate like " ". (OK, I haven't gotten that far yet, I simply know it must be modified.)

The question that will dominate the remainder of the year, and probably the next several, is this: What flaws in my character (not moral fiber, mind you, just personality glitches) do I seek to amend, and which do I simply accept as being uniquely "me"?

Gotta go - my travel agent is calling with late December cruise options...


Manchild said...

your'e doing a good job, you do seem to be more relaxed in tight situations

Tranquil Thunder said...

If one were to find any character flaws in you, one might suggest you seek to amend those that cause anger and frustration in yourself and others, and keep the ones that bring joy and make us all laugh.