Monday, September 24, 2007

Up to my neck and rising will work for this post, too.

My sister has gone missing, and I think I finally believe in global warming.

Perhaps she has taken another extended trip now that the Northwest Passage is open again.


Tranquil Thunder said...

Hmmm. If it used to be open, and now it's open again, that might indicate a cycle...

P.S. FWIW, your sister is around here somewhere...

Catherine Wannabe said...

Yes, yes, yes. A cycle, sure. I do think that our activities may be advancing the cycle more rapidly. Nonetheless, it really doesn't matter now HOW it happened, just THAT it is happening and that the receding polar caps impact the rest of the food chain. Also, if this is a cycle, it has not happened before (at least to this extent)in recorded history, which opens the door to age of earth discussions.

I assure you, lest you fear, that I have not started hanging up monkey pictures on the wall next to my other relatives. I stand firm on being created in the image and likeness of God.

Hey, you can adopt outlandish theories, why can't I??? :>) Still reading and learning, and I reserve the right to change my mind agsain!

ballast photography said...

Here's a hearty wave from the depths to which I'm rapidly sinking! Toss me a life raft in the form of a call, email, or smoke signals...

Glad to hear there are no monkey images adorning the halls...

Tranquil Thunder said...

↑ There she is! ♥
(ditto on the monkeys — yikes!)